Tagged: VIN

Spending Budget Hotel in Bangkok

Some chop shops get more creative, completely replacing the VIN on a stolen car so that the car can be sold intact, not for parts. Chop shop operators purchase cars at salvage auctions that...

What can you do with a VIN?

Tom DeLay was indicted on money laundering charges, forcing him to step down as House Majority Leader. Money laundering is a ubiquitous practice. The rise of global financial markets makes money laundering easier than...

The Spectrum (which Started At $6

If the doors are more difficult than normal to open and close, that could point to warpage along the frame of the vehicle. This can also often be felt during a test drive, as...

Buying Property in Spain

Take the time to research your options to get the best deal. International mortgages can be found with a lender in your country of residence. Bigger mortgage companies usually provide mortgages to those interested...