The Good and the Bad about Apartments Rent to Own

Any foreigner who buys here is nothing short of a nut case. Now that you and James have generously answered my many questions regarding viewing US TV in Thailand, including re: VPNs, I think this would be the place to pick your brains about another of my concerns as my Thai wife of 28 years and I prepare for our post pandemic move to Thailand – where to live. Renting is by far the better way to go even if your so called Thai girlfriend and I stress girlfriend is a real estate agent.

bangkok condo for rent pet friendlyYou’d think any snagging problems would’ve been addressed – although I realise pool and mainteneance problems can be timeless! Sure, the building standards are higher but there’s still an emphasis on most new builds to keep costs down by making it look as pretty as possible at minimum budget. Generally speaking, the more upscale a project the better the quality of decor. This is standard across the world I guess; I mean it’s not like cheap fittings and fixtures aren’t used in Western countries. Thailand also suffers from the extreme heat, which will affect flooring and paintwork and can cause mould issues in the bathroom – where ventilation is an issue. On a new build you might be given the choice to go for better fittings.

You mentioned any fees would normally be subtracted from the guaranteed rent, which is what I thought could potentially catch any fees I may have missed, if I ever did. Another point you mentioned, that I also agree with, is they most likely sent me the notice late, so they could say I was late, and void the rental guarantee portion so they don’t have to pay me, but still collect rent from the current tenant. When covid first hit, I was weary that something scandalous like this would happen. And it did. I’m curious if hiring an attorney to mediate this or take it to court is worth it. If you know of a good lawyer then seek advice.

Certain condo complexes have been built for 5 years and are far from full. The rent is cheap enough as it is, also if you think about it… Thailand it’s the reverse. Why buy when you can rent? The good thing about renting is there are no hassles when it comes to trying to sell or dealing with the condo association. You are much better off renting. I think the answer is a no brainer. So if you’re ok with buying something that’s so expensive and not realizing any type of return on it and only problems and headaches then you better ask yourself if it’s even worth the stress.

If you have any kind of concerns regarding where and just how to utilize Price of a studio/efficiency condo in the bangkok area? Doesn’t have to be in the prime areas, just something decent etc. What do the cheapest ones sell for? (try these guys out), you can contact us at the webpage.

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